Friday 20 April 2012

The Lost Resort was my first novel. It's basically a story about a woman whose travels to Lesbos on the back of a broken relationship and opens up a women's hotel on the Island. It's the first in a series of novels. The second volume will be available Spring 2013.


  1. I just came across this book as it was recommended by Amazon using other books I'd purchased as reference and I have to say I really enjoyed it. I felt as though I was enjoying Greece right along with the characters and I've always wanted to visit there. Now, in some small way, I feel that I have. At first, I was concerned there were too many characters being introduced to easily keep up with, but your method of writing them worked flawlessly and I really enjoyed each back story and what led them to where they end up. There were often places where I could see the writing on the wall, so to speak, recognizing how all the characters were going to come together and play their role in the ending, but there were a few surprises as well. (Spoiler alert for anyone who hasn't read this book so read no further.) However, while the other characters were wrapped up in the end, I can't believe you left us hanging on Robin and Heidi. I can only hope you left it with plans to continue, either by another novel or even a short. I finished reading the book at like 2:00 in the morning and it left me staring at the dark ceiling for a while. They have to have their happy ending and there's obviously more story to write. I can just see Maggie out there still silently fuming, her mind slowly churning out a map of revenge. Not to mention, you left Robin staring at Heidi on the balcony. I mean, come on. I'm crossing my fingers for a continuation. Would it help if I said Please?

    1. And I just saw where you mentioned it was first in a series of novels. This is what happens when you start writing a comment at 2:00 in the morning after being left hanging. LOL
      I'll be waiting to purchase as soon as it's available.
