Monday 7 May 2012

Lip Service Episode 3- An Acting Masterclass from Heather Peace

Yet again, the producers of the new Lip Service have forced me to eat my words and I'm now feeling very humble over my initial misgivings about this show.

This week's episode featured another acting masterclass from Heather Peace, who stole the show with her sensitive portrayal of a woman who won't allow herself to grieve and who is suddenly plagued by doubts, flashbacks and panic attacks. Peace's affecting, believable performances have been the highlight of the series so far and I'm delighted that she has been given more quality material to showcase her prodigious talent.
It was quite a surprise to say farewell to Frankie so early on, and I couldn't help but wonder if the production team are trying to inject  some life into the second series, by moving on one or two familiar characters in order to make way for the new new and potentially more interesting ones. I suppose not everyone will approve of Glasgow's answer to Shane hopping on a plane back to the Big Apple, but I suspect it's a positive move for the show, particularly when we have new, interesting characters to enjoy and when characters like Sadie and Sam are getting more of the limelight.  Lexi, in particular,  is a fresh and rather exciting introduction (is it just me or is that girl totally gorgeous?) and I do love Sadie's survival instinct and her insatiable appetite for hedonism. (Strawberry Jam? Interesting.)

I'm slightly worried where they are taking Tess's story and have to confess to finding the scenes with her dreadful thespian colleagues quite interminable. Obviously Ed is going to shag the bitch-from-hell, who is clearly only after his money (no offence Ed) and I suppose that could lead to a bit of drama- but beyond that, I'm not convinced that strand of the series is working at all and it seems a shame for Fiona Button- because she too is an awesome talent who currently isn't getting the right material to play with. Having said that, she definitely had the best line of the episode on Friday when she noted, "I must have missed the memo about last night's house shagathon." Brilliant!
Anyway, the burgeoning romance between Sam and Lexi is heating up and I for one can't wait for the shit to hit the fan when Cat's phone finally turns up. (What happened to that anyway?) Other questions worth pondering are: Where is the silver bracelet? Will Sam ever be able to get over Cat's death sufficiently to bed the gorgeous doctor? (because if not.. er ...I'll just leave it at that I think)...  Will Tess be arrested for receiving stolen goods? and why did Sadie's yoghurt change flavour between the kitchen and the front door? ( I know! I know! It's sad that I notice that stuff.)

Flippancy aside, I'm really looking forward to episode 4 of a series that seems to be going from strength to strength.

Go girls!

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